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the mysterious animal/100 word challenge

it was school holidays,  my family and i were and getting ready for our trip to the forest of mysteries. slowly we all stopped to hear strange type of music and seconds later a vehicle pulled into our driveway, it was our taxi to the airport. we all climbed into the car . while I was staring out being bored through the car window, out of the corner of my tiny little  eye I saw something furry run into the trees. ” STOP THE CAR!” I shouted to the driver. in a flash it  had disappeared and I never saw it again.

the mysterious food item/ 100 word challenge

it was a warm summers evening at lunar town and the supermarkets delivery truck had just arrived., inside it were all the cold food products like fish,cold chips, vegetables, pies, pasties and lots more. when the delivery man opened one of the fish boxes he got an uninviting surprise… inside was not fish but happened to be an unidentified animal! . all of a sudden the little alien like creature jumped up and said. ” which way to the shops? “it panted. the delivery man froze and reached for his walkie talkie and said  ” security we need some animal control !”. after that day the creature was never seen again.

I didn’t realise they could fly!..

BEEP! it was 7:00 when my alarm clock woke me up, me and my family are camping up in the scrub. tomorrow is my dancing competition and I have  to make sure that my costume is packed in my bag ready for tomorrow. the dance I’m doing is swan lake and I have to wear some fake swan wings. however I need to make sure that they still fit so I unzip my bag and pull them out. I put them on  and suddenly I begin to float! I didn’t realise they could fly!.. finally I end up in a tree!

the village statue of 1895

it was 1895 in privet village near the ocean and all the towns people were forcing the towns mair into building a statue of the big castle in honor of all the hard work the towns people do in the village. however the mair was horrified when one of his servants told him that they had run out of cement from building the mairs new throne. he told the people the sad news and only had one more option: to build cement from scratch. the next day they set to work and in the end, had a wonderful piece of art!

100 word challenge: the birthday of terror

it was 1985 on Christmas eve night and three young girls aged 11 were camping near the Rocklands river/lake. the reason they were camping there was not just for Christmas the next day but also because the youngest was turning 12 the next day. later that afternoon at 9:00 they had finished setting up  the tent when they heard what sounded like a wear wolf! they turned on there torches and sat there huddling one another. suddenly.. a flash of light, then, darkness. in the morning the young girls awoke to find there tent ripped to shreds and the birthday girl  had been Murded!!!!

100 word challenge

one sunny day at anchor bay a little boy and his grandfather set of on a fishing trip. there names were Charlie and Jim and they were so excited for this day. on there little row boat they packed lunch which was mushroom sandwiches  and oars to row the boat .  Charlie felt a wistful feeling hit his stomach. they continued on through the night as Charlie fell asleep listening to the water which was wrinkled drift  past him .  Charlie awoke to find the bate unwrapped and there dog had eaten it all! after that day they never went fishing Again!

it was Friday night and two young girls were having a sleepover. their names were Sophia and charlotte and they were so exited to have a sleepover. once they got to charlottes house they decided to go into charlottes room and do some karaoke. it was 6:00 when they went inside from taking charlottes dog Miffy for a walk. They sat down and ate dinner. once they were finished they headed back into charlottes room. thud! up above them came foot steps!  Suddenly, darkness enveloped the room!! they both were never seen again and  there parents claimed they had been murded!!!!!!!!

100 word challenge

At the end of godrics hollow an old house stood high covered in rust. out the front of the old  house was a old gate that had not been finished built yet and had the house number on it which read: 29. legends tell that a young man used to live in the house and he left when he was 29 and was never seen again. 

one sunny morning at 9:00 two young boys decided to investigate the house.  they walked inside and found and old note lying on the table in front of them it read: come upstairs. up they went, and they were never to be seen again!!

100 word challenge

it was like being inside of an burning  oven! it was a sunny day in England and a little girl called April was trying her best to try and guard her mothers special jewelry box. April could not lose this jewelry box and  the reason so, her mother just happened to be the queen of England. the box was decorated all over and was covered in diamonds. April had been told to guard the box because her mother was going to give her something inside .’April’! her mother whispered . she opened the box… The object inside had disappeared!!

The end



In Math’s we have been learning to use the area model in a square.

In this video I have explained how to work out 21×86, by using the area model. Just so you watchers know, some of the photos main contain fuzziness and may be round the wrong way. How do you split it up you may ask? Well I can answer that for you! Firstly you draw a box and add lines into a square. Then you just split it into tens and ones for example in mine I did. 2×10 and 1×1 which was much easier than just dong 21 and 86! I hope you enjoy my video and keep up with the great work  of MATHAMATICS!!!